State funded school readiness program for 4-5 year olds. Program can be located in a public school or in a regulated child care program.
Private school readiness program for 3-5 year olds.
A Center based program that only cares for children ages birth to 3 years.
Care typically provided for children 3-5 years for less than three hours a day in a facility that may or may not be regulated by NYS OCFS. Nursery Schools may be voluntarily registered by the State Education Department.
A parent/guardian attended activity program. Playgroups are not regulated.
A program/facility that offers a State Education Department approved curriculum for 5 year olds.
A federally funded program that offers comprehensive services to low-income children from 4-5 years.
A federally funded program that offers comprehensive services to low-income children from birth to 3 years.
Regulated/licensed care provided to children (usually between the ages of 36 months to 5 years) with special educational needs. These programs are also known as 4410 programs. The program may designate the majority of their slots to children with special needs. This can also be used to delineate an elementary or middle school program for children specifically designed for children with speical needs.
A program that operates for a short duration of time such as during a school vacation. Vacation/Holiday programs may be exempt from NYS OCFS regulation.
A program that operates during the summer months only. A summer recreation program may or may not be licensed or registered by NYS OCFS.
A program such as a computer camp or special type of recreatin program that is not necessarily licensed or registered by NYS OCFS or other state and city regulatory agencies.
Program/provider that is geared for the enrichment and education of gifted children.
A school age child care program caring for children between the ages 5 and 13 during the school year, before and after school, and possibly during school holidays. A program may or may not be regulated by NYS OCFS depending on its facility/type of care location.
A program that applies the Montessori Method of teaching; may or may not be Montessori accredited.
Faith Based Program incorporates religious or faith-based elements in curricula.