Steps and resources to improve quality (earn a higher state quality rating, become accredited, earn a CDA, earn CEUs or college credits).
To enhance quality care, all providers are encouraged to strengthen their programs by participating or obtaining the following:
Child Development Associate (CDA)
CDA is a program for individuals who would like to successfully complete the CDA assessment process and be awarded the CDA credential. Individuals will be able to meet the specific needs of children and work with parents and other adults to nurture children's physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth in a child development framework.
Contact: Eileen Hall at Dutchess Community College at or (845) 431-8346.
Family Child Care Credential
The New York State Family Child Care Credential is designed to formally recognize those practitioners who demonstrate competence in their knowledge and professional practice in the areas of professional family child care, child development, healthy home learning environment and business practices.
Medication Administration Training (MAT)
The MAT course is a skill-based training to help you give medication safely in your program. The training provides an overview of medication effects and ways to give medication for both over-the-counter and prescription medication; the handling, storage and safe disposal of medication; permission and instruction requirements; preparation and administration techniques; asthma; emergency care and special situations.
Contact: Megan Weber (845) 473-4141 ext. 231 or
Quality Improvement Grants
Free technical assistance and support for providers in Dutchess and Putnam Counties. Topics include fun material and activities, working with families, writing policies, using your space creatively and health and safety concerns.
Provider can consider these topics or suggest one of their own.
For Dutchess County Providers contact Rosemarie Lawton at (845) 473-4141, ext. 217
For Putnam County Providers contact Mary Schreiber at (845) 808-1659, ext. 2
Click here for more information and how your facility can be enrolled in the food program!
Quality Stars
Click here to discover more about Quality Stars!
Council Network Meetings
Members of these groups in Dutchess and Putnam provide each other with support and camaraderie in what can sometimes be an isolating profession. They also share valuable information with each other; the long term providers’ experiences often guide the newer providers, while the newer providers contribute fresh energy and innovation.
Dutchess County Contacts (845) 473-4141
Jennifer Brainard: ext. 226
Carol Taylor: ext. 218
Darla Fulmer: ext. 216
Cara Brooks: ext. 224
Alicia McDonald: ext. 215
Putnam County Contact
Kathleen Murphy
(845) 808-1659