Resources and Helpful Links

Click the link above for all the basic information needed to begin your child care search.
Click the above link for information about the Basics of Regulated Care.
Click the above link to explore the different options you have when choosing child care, including the group size and staff/child ratio of each different type of care.
Click the above link to find inormation about Indicators For a Higher Quality Program.
For information on accessing services for children with special needs.
A list of resources to help guide parents throughout the early childhood years.
Child Care and Parenting Information
Child Care Aware of America (formerly NACCRRA)Child Care Aware of America is the national network of child care resource and referral agencies. Their goal is to make sure that affordable, quality child care is available to all families. They have many resources for parents looking for care.
Child Care Aware Parent Network is a free online community where everyone who cares about the quality of child care can interact and take action. Sign up for free newsletters and webinars.
Child Health Plus is a New York State health insurance plan for children. Depending on your family's income, your child may be able to join this plan. Both Children's Medicaid and Child Health Plus are available through many insurance providers in New York. Call 1-800-698-4543 for more information.
- supports professional development. Its goal is to improve the quality of early childhood and school-age programs. This website has information for those thinking about a career in these areas. It also has information for providers looking to advance their careers.
The ECLC is a statewide organization that works to increase the quality, affordability and capacity of the early care and learning field and does so through training and technical assistance, data management and advocacy initiatives.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)This association has the latest information on NAEYC's conferences and publications. It also has information on accreditation, advocacy, policy issues, and NAEYC membership.
NAFCC works to support family child care providers. NAFCC promotes high-quality family child care through accreditation, leadership training, technical assistance, public education, and policy initiatives.
This center has information for parents and providers. It includes articles on healthy weight in children, day care regulations and other health and safety topics.
1-800-598-KIDS (5437)
The goal of this site is to protect and improve the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in every part of their lives. They can help with a variety of legal issues.
OCFS supports the well-being and safety of our children, families and communities. OCFS has many services including foster care, adoption, child protective services, services for pregnant teenagers and child care regulations. Call with questions (845) 708-2400.
Zero to ThreeZero to Three is an organization whose goal is to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers.