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Professional Development Registration

Emergency Preparedness

Thursday, April 3, 2025
6:30 pm8:00 pm
301 Manchester Rd. Suite 201A
Poughkeepse, NY 12603

The Citizen Preparedness Corps is an Emergency Preparedness program initiated back in 2014 to provide residents the knowledge and tools to prepare for emergencies and disasters, respond accordingly, and recover as quickly as possible. New York National Guard Service Members, working with experts from the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) and local Emergency Management personnel, are holding classes across the state. The program was designed by DHSES and covers a broad range of emergency preparedness topics like developing a family emergency plan, what to do in the case of an Active Shooter situation, stocking up on emergency supplies, and registering for NY-Alert, the free statewide emergency alert system.

Trainer: Citizens Preparedness Corps.
Cost: $20 per person

Appropriate for all modalities and open to the public.